why is my honey cloudy this year?

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New Bee
May 22, 2011
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4 in wintertime
This is my second honey harvest so still pretty new at it but my honey is cloudy this year, is it ok to sell?

Last year it was clear
The process last year was to coarse strain out of extractor into buckets, then fine strain through muslin into settling tank then jarred. I didn't have a warming cabinet last year so the fine staining took hours and hours, only for 40lbs!

This year it is cloudy
The process this year was to strain through ss double strainer out of extractor into buckets, then into the warming cabinet at 35 degrees for a few days. Then i tried to fine strain it but it was so thick it was going through really really slowly so eventually i gave up and put it through the ss double strainer again into the settling tank then jarred.

Its medium colour, but looks cloudy and i dont think it can be crystals because it was in the warming cabinet and since jarring has been kept in the boiler room (due to the rest of my house being cold). There are fine air bubbles in it despite being in the setlling tank for a week. Could it be wax? pollen?

Can I sell it?
What can I do to improve the extraction procedure?

It is too cold....you need it in a warmer area to strain, the cloudiness is the start of crystallisation and can last for ages depending on the temperature.
Sorry, just read your post again.....ignore everything I have just said.......I don't know the answer, you did everything right!, could just be the type of honey!
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To confirm if its granulating you could heat up a small amount in spoon or foil tray in very hot water to see if it goes clear.
...Then i tried to fine strain it but it was so thick it was going through really really slowly... fine air bubbles in it despite being in the setlling tank for a week...
What you might expect with heather honey (Calluna).

Whether it's heather or granulation, it's not a good idea to store it warm for any longer than necessary. Honey degrades to HMF of which there is a legal maximum.
Mine was cloudy too, but delicious, and easily passed through coarse and fine filters, without heat ( but I did process on a warm day). It has now almost set in the jars, but a very good texture with no crystals discernible to the tongue.

Do not know why, and am not worried as has sold the best yet.