Just my second year at it, and even the mistakes are so interesting! The big mistakes being a) delaying doing an artificial swarm and losing my bees to a nearby very high stone chimney stack, and b) thinking I had cut out all but one of her queen cells left but lo and behold a cast comes out, settles far too high in a tree for me to reach them, and totally ignore the bait hive [well, nuc box] which I set up to tempt them. Two days swinging in the wind and then they went off to I don't know where!
But successes:
My strongest colony of the four I over-wintered I have successfully artificially swarmed and they have a fourth super filling now with absolutely squadrons in and out the whole day I'm preparing a fifth - the weight of those boxes!
Two colonies that overwintered no bigger than nucs are doing well with excellent laying pattern and plenty of it, one has needed its second super.
So I'm excited and loving it and pleased! Tom.