BHS roof on its own £42
Paynes roof £17 (£14.55 currently in the sale)
BHS super £25
Paynes £16.50 (£14.03 currently in the sale)
The £135 BHS package is single 14x12, no supers, no QX.
The equivalent Paynes package (not in the sale) is £112.80
Paynes sale offers a single 14x12 package for £58.14 (but without frames), so leaving you £75 to spend on 11 frames and foundation ... There should be a bit of change out of that £75.
If you bought the no-frame package from BHS, it would be £102, (compared with the £58 from Paynes.)
Yes, BHS frames do seem rather cheap ... as part of the package. Haven't I read something on here about their frames?
My point was that the BHS hives are more expensive than Paynes. Comparatively, never mind absolute terms.
/// Unfortunately, I've never spotted a BHS sale. And their marketing plan does discount hive packages (or prices up individual boxes) - which is awkward when you want some more supers, or don't want their floor, or just want to buy a roof for your stack of spare supers ...