Wheat intolerence? Dying for a pizza?

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
My beloved has a wheat and dairy intolerance and has hankered for a home made pizza for the last five years. Recently she saw a tip and tonight put it into practice, which is using a nan bread as the base.

She is a very happy bunny at the moment. :)

Yes there is some wheat in it but she knows that one a week she can tolerate from eating them with Indian meals.


Rotten luck for her. Has she tried spelt flour instead of modern wheat? There are quite a few gluten-free resources on line that have good recipes too. However - has she checked out the possibility that it's not wheat that she's intolerant of, but the flour improvers that are in almost all breads? I believe Vogel's breads are (or used to be) free of flour improvers and other additives.
Problem is she is yeast intolerant too and the wheat thing is a deff... been tested.

Wheat is death.

Try a paleo diet. It works wonders for everything.

I can highly recommend robb wolf's "The Paleo Solution" & Mark Sisson's "The Primal Blueprint"

I too suffer with this. The cause speculated at by the DR's is smoking.

According to them the once tight sphincter (like the one on our bumhole) has become floppy, like the one on..... anyway its floppy. So now when I have bread it creates acid which then happily rumbles up my food pipe causing me to belch and feel sick etc. So as pizza is my favourite food I have formulated a recipe which minimises this and if I suffer the effects I take 1 renatadine (well hats how you say it) bought over the counter at Tesco for about a quid for several tablets. 1 almost always does the trick abd stops the bloating and acid in its tracks.

The recipe

Doves granulated yeast
Normal plain flour (gluten free causes me to suffer the worst indigestion ever. )
Extra Virgin Olive oil
Pepperoni slices
Grated normal cheddar.
Good pinch of sea salt.
Tin of chopped and peeled tomatoes.

Empty tin of toms into a saucepan to reduce the water content. Use a wooden spoon because metal spoons cause the toms to taste bitter. Do this for about 1 cigarettes worth and a small watching at. Until its reduced to a nice not so runny texture, and I always add my own mixed herbs at this point and stir in. Italian mixed herbs is fine. Add chilies here as well if you want them

In a bowl mix

Roughly a heaped mug of plain flour per person (you will get used to what you need by eye)
In the palm of my hand i pour some of doves(orange packet) yeast (allinsons gives me bad pains) Roughly about a tablespoon, and half that again.
Add a splash of olive oil. Say about three dessert spoons little more little less. If you do it too much you will make pastry.
Add salt
Then add water till it is a nice dough.
Need it and leave. Let it rise for an hour so prepare this beforehand. Do it in the morning, cover with clingfilm and place in the fridge. It will still rise but take all day.

When risen you knock it back - so kneed it well, again. Now its ready to roll out or press or if you are feelling cocky, flip it round in the air.

Place on a pizza tray and in the oven at gas mark 7.
Do the other one as this recipe if for two
Watch it like a hawk because it will balloon into a ball if you leave it.
Once it starts to rise puncture it with a knife all round it. Or leave it longer if you like deep pan and then puncture.

Back into oven to get a blush of brown then remove.

Using a wooden spoon spoon half each of the tomato mix onto each pizza and smooth around with the spoon. Keep it out of the centre as it will form a puddle else.

Grate on the cheddar.
Tear up the Motzy and place around the pizza
Slap on Pepperoni.
Back in oven until cheese is done. If there is a puddle of fat in the middle, put it back in. Until its done properly not till you think its done.

Base will be firm enough to pick up.

Oh and if you really want to suffer, get a tesco own made base and use your own topping. Phew that was a three renatadine night and small vomit in the early hours lol. Never again. With mine I get slight indigestion which is when I take the tablet. Bootiful. And I will make them roughly every 5 days. Been doing it for a few years now. But everyone is different.

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