What hive to keep selected queen in.

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Field Bee
Jan 11, 2018
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I have a queen in a hive that is a pure pleasure to work with and very prolific l. I have done s couple of splits from her and her daughters are very nice bees also. To keep this queen laying for as long as possible do people just keep the queen's they breed from in normal hives or hive them in nucs or someway else to help prolong them?

Interested to know what others do
It depends a bit really but I’ve got a couple of island mated queens running full bore in full size colonies, once they get into the second season I restrict them to a single brood operating on about 6 or so frames drawing brood off for nucs. Ian
It depends a bit really but I’ve got a couple of island mated queens running full bore in full size colonies, once they get into the second season I restrict them to a single brood operating on about 6 or so frames drawing brood off for nucs. Ian

Thanks Ian, shes in her 2nd season and in single brood but a full brood chamber. May bleed some brood off for other hives and see how it goes.

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