What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Bees seem to know when it's going to rain.
Quite a few times I've stood in front of the hives watching their comings and goings for the air to be suddenly full of bees almost colliding with each other in an effort to get back home.. Ten minutes later out of a blue sky, seemingly, there is a downpour.

Yes ... Love 'em.... or you start to open a hive and wonder why the little devils are so anti when they are usually pussycats ... so you close up and by the time you have got your kit together it's chucking it down ... Like JBM I look for activity at the entrance on any days that are going to be suspect at all .. saves upsetting the bees more than I have to.

Been wet all day today, I don't think its stopped raining for more than a few minutes since first thing this morning. I just closed up the hens and had a look at the bees through the clear crownboards ... all of them very busy - lovely smell of honey coming up from two hives - not sure whether they are eating it or making it. The weather looks better for tomorrow and Sunday and more settled next week so Sunday looks like a plan to have a quick look inside the hives ... does everyone get so excited at the first look in of the season ? Can barely contain myself ..