What alternatives to oxalic acid?

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I'd prefer not to use oxalic acid due to the fact that I'm quite clumsy and don't like the idea of handling it.

Buy Trickle bottles of ready made from T h o r n e s and away you go. They even sell dummy ones to practice with ;)

Be careful splashing that acetic acid around, on your chips! And as for that sodium hypochlorite.

A bit of a joke, but my point is we deal with more chemicals on a daily basis than you might think.

Just take sensible precautions and you will be fine.

The ready made Trickles are great for just a few hives.

I don't want to use oxalic acid in winter, so can someone tell me what ?

Oxalic acid trickling is quite new innovation. It has taken into use inside 10 years.

Like most of British beekepers, they take a new method into use 15 years later than European beeks.

So Beezy, take it easy. You may consider ist in the year 2116 and you are 100% normal.

Actually, OA is only stuff which you may use in winter. And in winter there is no brood and mites are all free on the bees.

Have you thought about Formic acid pads ? Mite Away is available from the well known supplier in Lincs .
Works very well and is only on the hive for 21 days and thats the treatment finished . Has the added advantage of affecting mites in sealed brood cells too .

Be careful splashing that acetic acid around, on your chips! And as for that sodium hypochlorite.

Perhaps you mean Sodium Chloride (salt) not Hypochlorite (bleach, viricide, steriliser)

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