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Queen Bee
Nov 8, 2008
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Has anyone seen any queen wasps, this time last year there were a lot around in the very warm weather during March, then in the first couple of weeks of April there were often one or more queen wasps, which had gone back into a state of hibernation under the roofs of hives. I think this could be another year of very low wasp numbers in this area, plenty of Queen bumbles about though,which is good to see.
Neither queen wasps nor bumbles around here.
We usually get queen wasps in our loft but none have appeared yet. Given the hard time they had last year, I guess it's no suprise.
There were a few queen bumbles sharing the crocus with the bees a couple of weeks ago, but so far no sign of queen wasps or hornets.

traps have been deployed for a month now so I'm ready for them:smash:
Seen two Queen wasps under hive roofs in that warm spell HM, which were dispatched very quickly, loads seen last year though. Chris
Someone reported a couple of wasps going into my hives in the park over that warm couple of days. They came out again.
I doubt it will be a marker for low wasp numbers. If they all come out at the approriate time for some good weather and are able to found a colony successfully there will be far more than last year; probably not rebound to be as bad as the previous year, but can't tell as yet.

If the late spring/early summer pans out like last year they will be hammered again and then there will be more aphids, etc, possibly floating over from the continent.

One thing is certain for this area - the bees will not be swarming this March!

Bumble and Charbonniere (carpenter) bees but no wasps
No queen wasps so far but have seen a few queen bumble bees. Last year only ever noticed a few wasps all year as it was a disastrous year for them round my way and I think it will take good year for them to recover.
I hope the wasp numbers soon recover as they do a lot of good in the environment.
I found a dead queen wasp under the roof of my top bar hive last week. Can't be sure how long it had been there though.
No sign of any Queen wasps - haven't even come across any hibernating in my various sheds or wood piles.
Watched a few Queen Bumbles working mahonia yesterday. Glad to see them about - their numbers dipped last year.
Just bumble bees no wasps (yet)
But there was snow on Saturday I barely saw any people :)
There were a lot of those little Median wasps around here during 2011,never saw any during 2012, wonder if they will appear again this year.

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