Wasps seen in hive

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Jun 26, 2021
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When I lifted the lid I found at least 3 wasps wandering around under the perspex crown board. They were looking to get out, perhaps because of the light.
The bees had a go as they went past but not with any real enthusiasm for a fight. Should I be worried? The hive is on an UFE and is a medium size colony I should say.
medium size colony
Consider putting the best 6 frames & bees into a poly nuc with an entrance reduced to two bee spaces.

The colony may not expand rapidly between now and the end of September to fill a brood box, especially (given the drought) with reduced or no income. If you feed syrup to get them to fill the box with brood & stores the wasps may have a field day.

Bees crammed into a box = no spare space which will put paid to sneak entry. Bonus will be improved overwintering: better access to stores, better thermal efficiency.

Wasps leave pheromone trails for others to follow, so a new box may reduce visits. If invasion develops, move the box 3 miles away until wasps die out.

Much depends on whether nectar is coming in and the queen is laying well, whether all 11 frames are drawn already or whether you expect bees to draw foundation (unlikely now in quantity).
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Thanks everyone. How does the wasp tunnel work with a UFE? I think I built it a la BMH modified design - half mesh half board, and see if anything is possible. I might just move them though as there is a definite wasp problem at this site compared to my other.
Thanks everyone. How does the wasp tunnel work with a UFE? I think I built it a la BMH modified design - half mesh half board, and see if anything is possible. I might just move them though as there is a definite wasp problem at this site compared to my other.
Ah it doesn't work with UFE
The UFE will give you good defence anyway but if you want to improve on that shut off the whole porch right back to the entrance except a couple of bee spaces. That will give you a tunnel.
I've just had a look at the BMH clip to have a look at how I can do this but needs further thought!!! I'll reduce the 8mm slot with some foam and move them I think as I want to feed them up for winter. It's strange - in the clip he says you won't get a wasp problem with this floor! Although they could have been overrun with a standard entrance I suppose. There are also a lot of hornets around the houses in that area which I'm trying to persuade them not to kill. I haven't seen any hornets around the hive though.
in the clip he says you won't get a wasp problem with this floor
two wasps isn't a 'problem', bees will tolerate the occasional wasp sneaking in for a free meal but if they develop into a problem they sort it.
Are you sure they are not getting in a hole other than the entrance?

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