Vaporising from the top

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New Bee
Nov 3, 2016
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Having vaporised from underneath the OMF to not much success , I thought I’d give it a go from the top . Any comments or tips on the best way to do it would be most appreciated.
Having vaporised from underneath the OMF to not much success , I thought I’d give it a go from the top . Any comments or tips on the best way to do it would be most appreciated.

Only ever vaped from under the OMF. Never use more than a gram and see many bees exit the hive covered in white micro crystals. Varroa drop is usually significant after first vape but takes several days for it to kill the varroa so the bottom board may have very few varroa on it for the first 12 hours or so.

How have you used the vaporiser?
What do you mean by not much success?

Hope we can help you get results as it's one of the best methods in controlling the varroa.
Having vaporised from underneath the OMF to not much success , I thought I’d give it a go from the top . Any comments or tips on the best way to do it would be most appreciated.

Get a sublimox and make a notch in the crownboard
Interesting video here showing the spread of ox acid fumes through a hive, from the BKCorner youtube channel (great blog and podcasts too...)

It doesn't seem to show much flow upwards...


On the video, it appears that he's vaping from under an empty box. You can see the vapour in there and a little vapour, I think, in the first occupied box above it but I could not see any vapour in the top box of three.

The video could have been really useful if they had moved the camera to see into the upper boxes without the problem of reflections in the glass window.

What is needed is for some brave soul to video through a glass or clear acetate Crown Board, while OA vapour is being produced, to see if, in a congested hive, the vapour reaches the top when vaping through the entrance as well as from under the OMF (for those of us with under-floor entrances).

What is needed is for some brave soul to video through a glass or clear acetate Crown Board

That is just what I did, back when I discovered treating from the top was more effective than from below, in some hives, not on video though.
The one I built looks like this.
Used window/door draft proof seal on the edges that go around the hive and perspex cover on t'other side sealed with silicone sealant so you can see what is going on. The eke is about 1.5 inches depth with a hole for the sublimox nozzle, you can see the OA deposition trail on the clear perspex where some has desubliminated. I also have one without a perspex cover as I'm confident it's doing it's job and this speeds things up even more as I can leave one on whilst the last of the OA vapour descends into the hive whilst treating the next hive. 12 hives in less than 30 minutes and that includes the initial 5 minutes sublimox warm up period and clearing up afterwards.
On double brood with the floor insert in you can just see a little of the OA vapour drifting out of the entrance by the end of the session. Means most of it has got to where it needs to be.I use as much as will fit into the cup, which is about 3gms for double brood.
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