Uniting a queenless nuc

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New Bee
Oct 3, 2015
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2 at the mo
Hi all I've got a queenless nuc I want to unite with a weak colony I'm guessing close up nuc move to hive early morning open nuc and let bees out then transfer nuc frames into another brood box and place on top of other brood over paper question is I have two supers on hive that there capping slowly but not sure if I have to put the supers on top of second brood box or shall I wait to unite after extracting honey thanks in advane
You don't want to let the bees out of the nuc before doing the unite (if the nuc is the one you're moving)
Transfer the nuc bees into a full brood box where they are now, wait until the end of the day, close them in then move it as close as possible to the receiving hive. The next part you can either do immediately or first thing in the morning. Once the bees have settled down (they should be quiet) take the crownboard off the recipient hive, leave supers where they are, newspaper, queen excluder, few holes in paper then quickly but smoothly (so as not to disturb the bees in the box) move the donor brood box on top of the other hive, replace roof, job done.
They'll be through in a day, then wait another day or two (you should start to see scraps of newspaper on the landing board by this time) get back in there, tahke supers off to consolidate two brood boxes into one, replace QX and supers. finis. :)
Use a squirt of air freshener and mix them up how you want. So simple. Works for me
Brill thanks so nuc into brood box move to where existing hive is take roof and board off cover top super with paper and put brood box on top replace board roof etc thanks for your help much appreciated
Cheers for the tip

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