So much new to try ...
What I do is :
I rear my hives up to date when I carry hives to put pastures like to forest raspberry and spring rape.
Some hive are big enough, 5-6 boxes and some are only 3-4 boxes.
For main yield I kill another queen and unite two weak 3 box hives. Or I may hive take tre 4-box hives and reduce one of them and I get two 6-box hives.
If the hive is too big and difficyukt to nutse, I may take one box of bees and join to a smaller hive.
It is easy in that moment when I have trasported them to another place.
When joining different hives it is important to get balanced hive with brood, youn bees and foragers.
many hives has been splitted for swarming and then it is time to unite them and catch main yield.
So, 2 queens produce bees and then unite them to catch yield. When there is only one queen and that is not very good,
workers have more time to handle yield.
Hive needs not only foragers but young bees too to handle nectar in the hive, handling wax and cleaning cells.
It is a huge mistake that "all bees can forage". That is not possible. Then wrong age bees, like in swarm, must do works where their age is not optimal.
If you have a swarm, after 2 weeks all bees are in foraging age.