The brood box and all supers still full of bees.
And still No Queen Cells??
Saw about 6 play cups.
Saw the Queen.
I put a clearer board the top super.
Extracted the 2 supers and got about 42lb.
The 1st super had loads of crystallized honey in.
Right Hive.
20 frames of brood.
1st super. Full
2nd super 4/5. Almost Full
3rd super 1/2.
And still No Queen Cells??
Saw about 6 play cups.
Saw the Queen.
I put a clearer board the top super.
Extracted the 2 supers and got about 42lb.
The 1st super had loads of crystallized honey in.
Right Hive.
20 frames of brood.
1st super. Full
2nd super 4/5. Almost Full
3rd super 1/2.