Top entrance swarm control...

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Drone Bee
Oct 12, 2014
Reaction score
North Somerset
Hive Type
Number of Hives
I'm sure this could probably be thought of as some form of snelgrove boarding but...

As I was making up a new floor this week, and realised that it could also, if put upside down on the top of the hive, could work easily as a nice top entrance.

With a top only entrance I thought...

After they have been using the top entrance for some time I could just flip the top entrance board/roof around 180 degrees, bung a nun box on top facing the old direction, and basically bleed off all the flying bees.

I could either have a new (bought in or raised) laying queen in the nuc, or have the old queen in there, or a frame of eggs etc. Once I've bled off the flyers I can bung the nun in the car and plonk it some distance away nice and easily.

Anyway, there's many permutations of playing with this as a system, and I'm thought none of the above is new... but I'm interested in what ways of using a top entrance like this people have tried, or think might work.

A: for PREemptive swarm control
B: for REactive swarm control

(and what is a swarm prepping colonies reaction to a sudden loss of all the flying bees?)

Tin hat on...

Happy sunny days!! (here in North Somerset anyway, today)


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As I was making up a new floor this week, and realised that it could also, if put upside down on the top of the hive, could work easily as a nice top entrance.

Assuming of course that your now 'inverted floor' presents a suitable beespace clearance between the inverted floor surface and the frame top-bars immediately below it ...
Assuming of course that your now 'inverted floor' presents a suitable beespace clearance between the inverted floor surface and the frame top-bars immediately below it ...

Yes. Let's assume that. Or I make it purely a top entrance. It was just making the floor that gave me the idea.
Top entrance is not an advantage when you think heat escaping from the box. IT is better at the floor level of the box.
I don't understand where the nun comes into the plan. What does she do?

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