Thymol Smell

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Jun 4, 2015
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Co / Durham / Co Cleveland and Northumberland
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17 nucs....
I don't know which section to put this in so HM move it if need be.

I wore my bee gloves several weeks ago to stick a pile of mole traps in, not thinking that the smell from the summer varroa treatment would still be on them, needless to say the smell must be on the traps as i have not caught a single mole in any of the traps i set wearing the gloves they are just filled with soil every time.

What i am wondering do any of you old school beeks know of any odorless cleaner that could be used to neutralize the smell.
The traps Jenky i have proper gloves that i use but on that day they where not to hand, the traps can't be burned or they will rust, when you say scorch do you mean with hot water, i have a burco boiler that can be used if you think that will work.
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I heard of an old gamekeeper who used to boil his traps and snares - there was also a concoction he used to make sure they smelt 'natural' but I couldn't even guess as to where I'd find the receipt. I'd have thought a quick flash with a blowtorch wouldn't compromise the galv too much but yes, try dunking them in the burco for a while (the boiler is also great for cleaning old frames!) then just leave them hanging to weather for a while. Maybe even chuck some nettles or old roots into the mix to 'dirty' them a bit.
Two of my friends use a trap dye for doing there Fenn traps and body grips to help stop them rusting, some folk use it on mole traps but i don't like the idea, a moles nose is unbelievable at picking the slightest of smells up that is why everything should smell off soil, i can set upwards of 150 traps over a 3 day period, the kill rate needs to be in the high 70% so i could not afford to have any foreign smell on my main batch of traps, (luckily for me and not my friend), is they are not my traps that stink, but i have buggered them all the same , i will give them a good boil and bury them in the garden vedge patch, hopefully that will fettle them, thanks for the tip on boiling the frames. ;)

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