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Aug 31, 2017
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Campbeltown Scotland
Round or hexagonal.
It was only in 2013, that a study headed by B Karihaloo at the University of Cardiff observed that newly built cells were circular, whereas those that had been constructed a little beforehand were hexagonal. Research found that the heat generated by the bees while they worked caused the wax of the comb to melt, ultimately leading to the cell walls becoming flattened and hexagonal in shape but it is not clear whether the bees do this on purpose, or whether the heat they exude naturally during the process happens to produce that result.
It's well described elsewhere. The answer is in fluid physics of warm wax. The tension generated from the walls of the adjacent 6 cells draws them into hexagons.
How do the wasps do hexaconal cells from paper / plant fibre?

Bees shape the wax with their jaws to hexaconal cells, and somehow they measure/feel the thickness and modify it proper.

The edge of the cells and the comb is quite thick when they build the comb.
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It's well described elsewhere. The answer is in fluid physics of warm wax. The tension generated from the walls of the adjacent 6 cells draws them into hexagons.

Ah yes fluid physics and surface tension- some things I know nothing about but understand.

Finman makes an interesting point about wasps though - any thoughts ?
Ah yes fluid physics and surface tension- some things I know nothing about but understand.


I understand that Beefriend is pissing on you.

Beewax is fluid in the heat of 65C. Bees burn their tongue in that heat.
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I understand that Beefriend is pissing on you.

Beewax is fluid in the heat of 65C. Bees burn their tongue in that heat.

Don't be silly Finman. Fluid mechanics doesn't only apply to liquids.
Bees build round cells with warm wax; physics makes them hexagonal.
Surprised with all your degrees you didn't know that.
How do the wasps do hexaconal cells from paper / plant fibre?

Same principal, it's wet soggy chewed wood (paper mache) that is used to fashion round cells and as they dry physics does the rest.
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Same principal, it's wet soggy chewed wood that is used to fashion round cells and as they dry physics does the rest.


I have a wasp comb on my room wall. I looked the sidemost cells in the comb, and they have an angle even there is no next cell in the structure. How a cell makes straight wall in air and the angle between walls? I cannot see any round cells in the comb.
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Seems like you don't know enough about what you should know enough about if you can't figure that one out....
Seems like you don't know enough about what you should know enough about if you can't figure that one out....

Listen Pal. I have seen tens of times how you write rubbish from your imagination in this forum.

When you do not know something, you quess the rest. My life is not spoiled even if I do no know everything.

You cannot make difference between knowledge, what is needed on beekeeping and between rubbish what fills you head.
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Listen Pal. I have seen tens of times how you write rubbish from your imagination in this forum.
even if I do no know everything.

And you my old friend are such a stubborn SOB you can never admit when you are wrong.... published 2016

I'll sum up the important bit....
"It is now accepted that bees build cylindrical cells that later transform into hexagonal prisms through a process that it is still debated. "

Also check out.
Ball, P. How honeycombs can build themselves. Nature. 10.1038/nature.2013.13398 (2013)
Bauer, D. & Bienefeld, K. Hexagonal comb cells of honeybees are not produced via a liquid equilibrium process. Naturwissenschaften 100, 45–49 (2013)
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And you my old friend are such a stubborn SOB you can never admit when you are wrong.... published 2016

I'll sum up the important bit....
"It is now accepted that bees build cylindrical cells that later transform into hexagonal prisms through a process that it is still debated. "

Also check out.
Ball, P. How honeycombs can build themselves. Nature. 10.1038/nature.2013.13398 (2013)
Bauer, D. & Bienefeld, K. Hexagonal comb cells of honeybees are not produced via a liquid equilibrium process. Naturwissenschaften 100, 45–49 (2013)

IT is enough to me if you know all those vain things.

Researchers are debating and I should know their different opinions. I have not been in university to become an idiot.
. published 2016
I'll sum up the important bit....
"It is now accepted that bees build cylindrical cells that later transform into hexagonal prisms through a process that it is still debated. "
Also check out.
Ball, P. How honeycombs can build themselves. Nature. 10.1038/nature.2013.13398 (2013)
Bauer, D. & Bienefeld, K. Hexagonal comb cells of honeybees are not produced via a liquid equilibrium process. Naturwissenschaften 100, 45–49 (2013)
“.........................according to a new study, is that the cells do not start out as hexagons but as circles....They gradually form into hexagons by a flow of the wax, which is turned semi-molten by the heat from specialist "heater" worker bees. At approx 45°C, the wax starts to flow slowly as an elastic liquid. The wax, softened by the heat, then gets pulled into hexagonal cells by surface tension at the junctions where three walls meet. Despite solving the mystery the researchers pay tribute to the bees, writing in the study: ""We cannot... ignore, nor can we not marvel at the role played by the bees in this process by heating, kneading and thinning the wax exactly where needed.".......”
IT is enough to me if you know all those vain things.

Researchers are debating and I should know their different opinions. I have not been in university to become an idiot.

If you had been one of my students I'd consider you a failure.....
Listen Pal. I have seen tens of times how you write rubbish from your imagination in this forum.

When you do not know something, you quess the rest. My life is not spoiled even if I do no know everything.

You cannot make difference between knowledge, what is needed on beekeeping and between rubbish what fills you head.

:iagree: Finnie do not feed the Trill !!!

Reading the paper why then are queen cells not hexagonal and drone cells are?

Our " Master Beekeeper " has one of those pretend university certificates loke what bf has ...displayed for all to see... $40 from USA:calmdown:

Chons da
I know. In England a person must have a prosperous family that he is something.

Do come and visit the family seat next time you are passing through. You can stay in the gatekeepers cottage.
And no, I insist old boy.

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