The Sad Aftermath

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Jun 4, 2015
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Co / Durham / Co Cleveland and Northumberland
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17 nucs....
These are the scenes on most of the North East coast after those strong easterly winds during the week, the sad thing about it is people where picking up live lobsters undersized and full of eggs and taking them home instead of putting them back in the sea, on the Northumberland coast it is similar but with thousands of Octopus washed up also..
Small fry compared to what ships are scooping up every day. A banquet for meat eaters. Probably the best use for them. Can't see the survival rate being that great after all this stress.
I'm glad they picked them up to release.
I hate the idea of something as special and aged as a 60 year old lobster ending up on my plate.
I always wanted to pick my own lobster from a tank in a posh restaurant and walk down to the sea to let it go...a grand gesture :) but the opportunity has never arisen.
Small fry compared to what ships are scooping up every day. A banquet for meat eaters. Probably the best use for them. Can't see the survival rate being that great after all this stress.

The lads with the lobster pots and boats know what they are doing, i don't think they would waste there time and effort if they thought the lobsters where going to die.. also the Lobster boats have to adhere to stricked guide lines, any undersized or egg carrying lobsters have to be released after they cut a small V in the tail.
any undersized or egg carrying lobsters have to be released after they cut a small V in the tail.

How barbaric, those doing it should be caught and have a big toe chopped off before letting them go.
How barbaric, those doing it should be caught and have a big toe chopped off before letting them go.

Its painless Pete and it is done to egg bearing females, the reason they do it is to alert other fishermen that it is a productive female as they would not know if it did not have eggs at the time, so any with a V notch is released back into the water regardless of size, Bridlington on the east Yorkshire coast is reported to have the highest Lobster population in Europe from sticking to these guide lines so in reality it is not a bad thing.
How do you know it's painless Steve, are you a Lobster? :spy:

:laughing-smiley-004:laughing-smiley-004:laughing-smiley-004.. i suppose they know it is painless just like we do when clipping Queens wings, whether it truly is painless i do not know, what i do know is it can only be a good thing with the catch and release that has been going on over the years, it takes 2/3yrs for the lobster to moult there outer shell till the V is not visible anymore so that is a whole lot of eggs that will have been laid in that time which would have been lost if the females where not marked..
:laughing-smiley-004:laughing-smiley-004:laughing-smiley-004.. i suppose they know it is painless just like we do when clipping Queens wings, whether it truly is painless i do not know, what i do know is it can only be a good thing with the catch and release that has been going on over the years, it takes 2/3yrs for the lobster to moult there outer shell till the V is not visible anymore so that is a whole lot of eggs that will have been laid in that time which would have been lost if the females where not marked..

Very good point, Millet. It's well worth it. And I do believe it's painless. It's got to do with nerve endings and stuff, I always forget about the details.
Very good point, Millet. It's well worth it. And I do believe it's painless. It's got to do with nerve endings and stuff, I always forget about the details.

I have watched the V notching being done and they do not flinch, i suppose it is similar to trimming sheep's feet they also do not flinch till you go a bit too deep and hit a nerve.
Don't get me started on punching holes in calves ears for tags. :(
I don't mind that as much as i do the castration rings put on lambs, i will be helping a farmer doing the lambing in the month of April and it makes me cringe when i see the lambs wriggling about on the floor after the rings are applied, but then again it is better than years gone by when a sharp knife was used instead..
Apparently the coast around Bridlington is teeming with fish and shellfish. I'm told it is partly due to the huge wind farm they have built out there. I think the theory is that it has reduced the amount of fishing/sea be disturbance.

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