The irony of 'keep fit'

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midnight sun

Field Bee
Jun 25, 2012
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As I now occupy that period of life which consists of achy back and hardening arteries, I endeavour to stay 'fit', by combining my errands with a brisk walk to the nearest town via an old tree lined footpath, frequented by joggers, cyclists and dog walkers. It's also an opportunity to see what forage my bees could be on and mark the wonders of change as the seasons pass by.
Yesterday whilst I was 'en route', I noticed a lady approaching, accompanied by two children of junior school age.
The woman was in her late 30's and of 'stout' build. She wore running shoes and a matching set of track suit top and bottoms.
I thought, "Fair play to the woman, she's getting fit and encouraging the kids as well, which is better than sitting down all day with the 'X-box'"
Just as I drew level she turned to her two children and 'SCREECHED',
"Come on kids, hurry up, we've got to get to McDonalds yet!".....:eek:....:puke:......Ho Hum!....:beatdeadhorse5:
Never stereo type, not all people wearing a tracksuit have the same intentions lol.

It's seems a cult these days to take your kids to fast food chains to shut them up. What happened to nature walks with a flask and sandwiches, fishing, building a go cart, making a bird table or nesting box, collecting shells on the beach, or even a bit of arts and crafts when it's raining
It's seems a cult these days to take your kids to fast food chains to shut them up. What happened to nature walks with a flask and sandwiches, fishing, building a go cart, making a bird table or nesting box, collecting shells on the beach, or even a bit of arts and crafts when it's raining

Or out rabbiting with a ferret and a few nets in an old coat pocket, setting a few rabbit snares, bit of shooting with a .22 rifle or 410, spot of tickling trout, making home made bombs and exploding them up the woods, and an occasional smoke of Black Beauty (which tends to turn you green) that you keep hidden in a hedge in an out of the way place, etc.
i got done for tickling a trout..well i told the judge she looked like a old trout to me...
Or out rabbiting with a ferret and a few nets in an old coat pocket, setting a few rabbit snares, bit of shooting with a .22 rifle or 410, spot of tickling trout, making home made bombs and exploding them up the woods, and an occasional smoke of Black Beauty (which tends to turn you green) that you keep hidden in a hedge in an out of the way place, etc.

that sounds like my teenage years apart from the black beauty whatever that may be.
Smoking a horse must be quite a mouthful.
Never stereo type, not all people wearing a tracksuit have the same intentions lol.

It's seems a cult these days to take your kids to fast food chains to shut them up. What happened to nature walks with a flask and sandwiches, fishing, building a go cart, making a bird table or nesting box, collecting shells on the beach, or even a bit of arts and crafts when it's raining

Oh aye, I remember those days, bike rides down country lanes, building dens in the woods, picking primroses on the railway embankments, swimming at the beach, this time of year nicking turnips from farmers fields to make turnip lanterns and building bonfires for 5th Nov.....the good old days, where have they gone!
Oh aye, I remember those days, bike rides down country lanes, building dens in the woods, picking primroses on the railway embankments, swimming at the beach, this time of year nicking turnips from farmers fields to make turnip lanterns and building bonfires for 5th Nov.....the good old days, where have they gone!

I remember them too. Wasn't that long ago. I'm 32 and I think my generation was one of the last to spend most of our time outdoors. Then the digital era kicked in big time and kids got fat n lazy.
Or out rabbiting with a ferret and a few nets in an old coat pocket, setting a few rabbit snares, bit of shooting with a .22 rifle or 410, spot of tickling trout, making home made bombs and exploding them up the woods, and an occasional smoke of Black Beauty (which tends to turn you green) that you keep hidden in a hedge in an out of the way place, etc.

................ bit of fox hunting, bird nesting, picking winberries and selling them door to door, mushrooming, making home made incendiary bombs - the list goes on and on.

The thing is, if you 'do' keep fit, give up smoking, drinking, eating good food etc. you don't live longer - it just feels like it
I'm 32 and I think my generation was one of the last to spend most of our time outdoors. Then the digital era kicked in big time and kids got fat n lazy.

A casual look at the many internet photos of beekeepers in their 40s/50s and 60s with bee suits tightly stretched around their stomachs would suggest that the rot set in rather longer ago than the digital era.
I remember them too. Wasn't that long ago. I'm 32 and I think my generation was one of the last to spend most of our time outdoors. Then the digital era kicked in big time and kids got fat n lazy.

Blame the parents - most of whom set bad examples by eating and/or drinking too much and growing fat. Most adults stop serious exercise in their 30s (that is if they did any)...

(It would help if the NHS practise what they preach about diet and weight.. lots of overweight staff in the hospitals I have visited in the past year. Clearly their health messages are useless if their own staff are fatties).
Clearly their health messages are useless if their own staff are fatties).

Can't discriminate against fatties or thinnies these days!

There will always be a range and average. I bet the shape of the graphical distribution curve has been changing for the worse since soon after WWII days.
I think I've pointed out before on this Forum, that keeping fit is untheological.

The fitter one is, the longer one lives.

But St. Paul pointed out that it is better to be absent from the body and present with the Lord.

Ergo, keeping fit cannot be justified.

As a man of the cloth (never mind the quality, feel the width) I can say with some pride that I have dedicated myself to avoiding fitness.

I am living proof that, as RAB said, "the shape of (my) distribution curve has been changing for the worse since soon after WWII days".

There's a piece on the news about labelling alcoholic drinks with their calories....
OK, just choose the lowest calorie one, get it down your neck....never mind drinking to enjoy the taste eh?

Can't discriminate against fatties or thinnies these days!

Just been on the news about new regulations to include the calorie content on bottles of booze, big obese woman interviewed said that would be good, as she liked a glass of wine of a weekend, she looked more like she drank about 45 gallons a day.

Fat people eat and drink way too much.
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