I noted your post and there was a reply from the OP. I was just reinforcing, really, as your post stopped me posting originally as you seemed to have put down the important point of 'more info needed'.
I might yet go with Poly Hive, and recommend removal of stores frames while leaving them in the nucleus hive. Just cannot be sure, until all pertinent information is available. After all, that is why we should be keeping inspection notes - so we not only know what they have now, but also it allows us to assess the colony development over a reasonable time scale.
I also note there are another half dozen colonies, so I am a little surprised that someone with that number of colonies should have this dilemma. Leave in the nuc, move to a full hive, uniting, reinforcing with more bees/brood, and possibly other options are all there for the choosing. If parked into a larger box they can always be moved back again, if the weather turns. It does not seem at all like having twenty candidates and only one available hive! I sometimes wonder whether, if the actual instruction is not written down, that particular line of action is deemed 'out of bounds'.
Beekeeping should not be like that. The impression to new beeks is one of difficulty at every step, which it is not. Only when one gets into the mire, either with a solitary colony or perhaps by following some dead-end instructions, should one need to call for help in simple matters such as this.
Now, knowing the most likely alternatives and asking which people prefer, is much more acceptable - and can get a good discussion going.
If enough bees by the end of the season there should be little problem with provisionig that one hive for winter - just get some extra frames of stores from other hives as and when they are otherwise well provisioned. There is no real excuse, with that many hives - for not looking ahead - and getting those frames drawn (and possibly filled) in a stronger colony now.
Subliminally, that was likely why I didn't respond earlier on.
Regards, RAB