New Bee
Hello -have a small issue with my bees because I'm not sure why they have just swarmed.
Went to see bees at about 12.30pm today. Couple of bees in and out of hive but nothing untoward or out of character. 5 mins later - swarming! 15 mins later - settled in tree I had just said needed lopping (very convenient).
History of last few checks:
18th June - QC with large grub in (almost sealed?). Old green Queen retired to the freezer.
30th June - Didn't check because thought I might be disturbing the new Q.
3rd July - swarm! Checked hive and have found:
- all brood frames full of nectar/capped honey, except for capped worker brood (remaining from old green Q??);
- bits of capped drone, half of which was at top of frames;
- 4-5 sealed QCs towards edges of frame (one of which had had a Q emerge) BUT it was not the frame which I had seen the QC on the 18th June)
- no egg, unsealed brood.
- Room in 2 supers.
Questions are: why have they swarmed?
Is it that new Q has nowhere to lay, in which case why have bees filled all of brood with nectar/honey?
Is she not viable?
Why have the bees produced more QCs when there was a new young Q out and about (I assume)?
Has the Q in the QC seen on the 18th June not worked out so colony have raised several new QCs in mean time and today's is the first to emerge?
Do I need to get rid of all but one or two QCs in hive ASAP?
Went to see bees at about 12.30pm today. Couple of bees in and out of hive but nothing untoward or out of character. 5 mins later - swarming! 15 mins later - settled in tree I had just said needed lopping (very convenient).
History of last few checks:
18th June - QC with large grub in (almost sealed?). Old green Queen retired to the freezer.
30th June - Didn't check because thought I might be disturbing the new Q.
3rd July - swarm! Checked hive and have found:
- all brood frames full of nectar/capped honey, except for capped worker brood (remaining from old green Q??);
- bits of capped drone, half of which was at top of frames;
- 4-5 sealed QCs towards edges of frame (one of which had had a Q emerge) BUT it was not the frame which I had seen the QC on the 18th June)
- no egg, unsealed brood.
- Room in 2 supers.
Questions are: why have they swarmed?
Is it that new Q has nowhere to lay, in which case why have bees filled all of brood with nectar/honey?
Is she not viable?
Why have the bees produced more QCs when there was a new young Q out and about (I assume)?
Has the Q in the QC seen on the 18th June not worked out so colony have raised several new QCs in mean time and today's is the first to emerge?
Do I need to get rid of all but one or two QCs in hive ASAP?