hi mandabow
can you explain this a bit more please? how does the vanilla essence work? and how does this help the other hive? when also do you do it do you do it in the evening and for how long?
this sounds really interesting
from what i remember the basis was/is... it takes a collective decision to swarm.. fliers preped for days to be able to go back into colony and help out.. they don't actually go with the swarm* as it's already imprinted in their minds eye where they live. internal bees chase the queen around to prep her for flying and brief hiatus in laying. stores are built up etc
the youngest nurse bees also stay, but the inbetweeners the ones that can fly but havn't yet as they havn't needed to forrage due to high numbers of flyers are the ones that swarm*..
by swapping places with a weak colony a large number of those that would have been in the swarm are suddenly in a position that they should forrage. the fliers they now have are not prepped to take over any hive duties so the swarm instinct is no longer a unanamous decision, it's become a bit of a flop.
similarly on the origional site (weak hive) the forragers who have been getting ready to take on more internal duties come home to find some of these duties already need doing, and that their number really isn't strong enough to take over all hive dutys if the mid aged bees of this hive decided to up and leave, again the concencus has been lost, there are no queen cells and theres pleanty to do to bring this colony to a state that's able to swarm. by then hopefully the urge has passed... so some carry on forraging, improving the weak hives honey/pollen requirements, and some help out inside improving the colony as a whole.
the vanilla essence just serves to confuzz a bit, mask the different pheramones, the bees comming back from foraging are less likely to reaslie it isn't home + bees in hive won't realise they are new either as it slightly masks the queens pheramone.
like every method it doesnt always work... works best the worse off the other colony is.
used to do it in the middle of the day when most bees are out, pref on a sunny day so more are out (this may just have been for weight of hive and the fact i only helped in the day when my mum was at work)
sometimes when he first started on this method he would leave a queen cell in each hive to let the bees decide if they wanted to take the oppertunity for superceedure (by either killing queen or ripping down cell - never managed true superseedure this method as queens did not smell similar enough). but leaving any Qcells increased frequency of swarming from both hives so he generally didnt bother after the first few yrs.
sometimes if swarming instinct is strong even after ripping down all the cells you just end up with more swarm cells in both hives to deal with!!!
another thing i rember him doing at least once.. if we couldnt find the queen was to brush bees off comb with best swarm cell on, place it in a brood box above qx and wait till it is covered in nurse bees again, remove the hive from under it to another site (keeping qx on top so queen cant jump back into the new hive.
leave a few days for the flyers of swarming to draw comb ready for emerging queen to lay in the combs around the brood frame + store a bit of honey in.. then do the swap as above between the weak hive and the new colony.
new queen will take a while to lay but will now have younger (tho less in number forragers)
weak hive will have a slightly lesser boost in numbers but none the less some more bees.. (this time only foragers though as any capable of reverting back to houshold duties will have stayed with virgin queen's entourage)
end up with 3 stronger hives (instead of ASing and being stuck with 4 weaker ones) very high sucess of no swarming after this as origional swarm ready hive loose all their flyers. virgin queen gets all she needs to start and the weaker colony gets a bit more productive.
nb none of these help the weaker colony long term if their queen is weak and not laying sufficiently she may need replacing.. but then if the bees havn't superceeded her she must have some good qualities
hope this helps, plz excuse the typonese
I would imagine with modern methods of experimenting with bees a lot more should be known about all this by now.. the age of bees that swarm etc 15 yrs ago may just have easily been a guestimate, i have no idea how he knew such things.
*I would imagine with modern methods of experimenting with bees a lot more should be known about all this by now, and this may all have been proved to be wrong.. i.e. the age of bees that swarm etc 15 yrs ago may just have easily been a guestimate, i have no idea how he knew such things!! and do understand how he did. but practically it seemed to work