Swarm cells in nuc

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Field Bee
Mar 25, 2017
Reaction score
Hive Type
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20+ nucs
I have had 2 nuces 3 weeks now I put an extra deep on top of them a couple weeks ago all was going well until today they were both producing queen cups with larva in them .
I knocked them down and moved into full size hive and added a super hoping that they were just getting congested..
Will I have to take out queen and put in nuc if they rebuild
Queen cells..
Yes, you do. Remember to check the hives again in four days time as they may make emergency cells from day old larvae in response to having their QC torn down, in which case they will swarm on day 5.
Bees have been known to convert 3 day old larvae and swarm 3 days later. Clip your queen and you can get 9 or 10 days grace.
Bees have been known to convert 3 day old larvae and swarm 3 days later. Clip your queen and you can get 9 or 10 days grace.

Not sure why you get 9 or 10 days grace...you will lose your queen almost for certain. They will still attempt to swarm 3/4 days after converting older larva. You may not lose your entire workforce though... although if queen ends up under floor you lose a good many. If on ground she may be dead and you have a hive with a load of queen cells based on older larvae that you don't want.
Never understood the "logic" of the 7, or 10 day if clipped, inspection regime. It can and does happen much faster than that as you have correctly stated.
I try for 5/6 day inspection intervals and even with this have so far lost one queen and rescued 2, one from ground and one from under floor. Not an egg in queen cup or signs of imminent swarming on prior inspections.
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I returned to the hive today was going to check was there more queen cells, There was around 8 QCs I could not find the queen who is marked and clipped I spent a long time trying to find her and went back an hour later and still couldn't find her so I think she is gone...
I took a couple of frames of bees with 2 QCs and moved them into a nuc and moved to another location..
In the parent colony that seems to be Q- I just left 2 QCs
Have I done the right thing here ??

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