Suspected double swarm

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Just to keep you updated on the above following your much needed advice.
H1, picked up and is back to recovering the colony quite nicely. Plenty of new brood and stores. Very healthy, very well behaved with no sign of Varroa. Did kill a wax moth though. 👍🏼
H2, finally opened up after leaving for one month(ish). This one has filled the brood box with stores. However, in amongst all the stores are eggs and brood to various stages. Also, two sealed supers (one now removed). Good population, very healthy and very well behaved, no sign of Varroa. Witnessed a group of bees killing a wasp on one of the frames. Amazing! 👍🏼
I assume the next hurdle will be for them both to be winter ready….
Thanks again for your help🖖🏼
A final update on Hive 1&2 following the loss of both Queens earlier in July.
Hive 1
Doing well and thriving. Finally found a smallish Q whom is now marked in yellow. Overall health is very good and 10 out of 10 for mood. 😍
Hive 2
Was picking up laying and making good progress. Reduced the opening as suggested. However, within a week it was overcome by wasps, Varroa, Robbers (again) and unbelievably all frames in the supers and brood box were riddled with Wax Moth. Hive 1 is no more and I must say a devastating sight. My initial thought was to sell up and concentrate on fly fishing. However, all boxes have been cleaned and scorched and all frames are isolated and ready to burn.

I don’t wish that experience on anyone

Thank you for all your advice and for helping me save at least one of them.

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