Super No

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Queen Bee
Sep 16, 2009
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Put a super on a hive last week as the BB was 3/4 full and the hive is next to a field of rape. The super has been on for a week and at today's inspection, there were no bees in it at all. They seem to have stayed in the BB. Is there likely to be something wrong with the super. Some of the comb is a bit mouldy. Could this be why the bees dont like it?
Put a super on a hive last week as the BB was 3/4 full and the hive is next to a field of rape. The super has been on for a week and at today's inspection, there were no bees in it at all. They seem to have stayed in the BB. Is there likely to be something wrong with the super. Some of the comb is a bit mouldy. Could this be why the bees dont like it?

Th*rnes orange plastic QE? The one suitable for Weight Watchers!
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I've put bees on/in equipment with mouldy pollen, mouse holes all sorts (not mine) and when there's a flow on they don't care!! Patience IMO.
You can't make them go up, but if they need the space they need the space.

The only time I've known bees to not put honey into a super is when they're imminent to swarm. They just seem to ignore it!
Th*rnes orange plastic QE? The one suitable for Weight Watchers!

What is wrong with the Thorne's plastic QE? I put one on last week but the super combs have not been drawn at all.
Dear Beekeeper


It has come to our attention that some of our Harmless plastic excluders purchased in the last six months may be faulty. A percentage of them have slots which are very slightly smaller than the recommended size and bees may become stuck.

Please check your hives which are fitted with these excluders and, if there is any problem, please contact us. We will immediately replace with the Natural plastic excluder. Please also tell your fellow beekeepers, particularly beginners in your local area.
What is wrong with the Thorne's plastic QE? I put one on last week but the super combs have not been drawn at all.

Th**nes have been emailing customers re their orange plastic QE, a batch have been released that will not allow workers though into the supers. I have been in touch and they said they will replace FOC, ASAP! Good PR!
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Well done The Naked Beekeeper. Yes, there is reportedly a batch of defective queen excluders out there. Only someone has made a right balls up if no bees at all can get through them.
You could always try leaving them for a week without a QE. Sometimes they are not keen to go through a QE to start with but are O.K. after they have been going into the super unhindered.
The QX is not from Thornes.
Just worrying (as usual) because I promised my customer lots of 'spring' honey
There is a case for leaving off a queen excluder for a while, especially if the super contains only foundation. You could spray some frames with sugar syrup.

Some bees would rather swarm than move into a super.
Some of these comments possibly relate to smaller than necessary gaps in the queen excluder. I have seen quoted 4.3mm as optimum.

My new, unused, wire QE has gaps slightly smaller than this ( measured with an electronic vernier caliper) at 3.9mm to 4.2mm.

Does anyone know the minimum gap required? Does it depend on the strain of bee?
Dear Beekeeper


It has come to our attention that some of our Harmless plastic excluders purchased in the last six months may be faulty. A percentage of them have slots which are very slightly smaller than the recommended size and bees may become stuck.

Please check your hives which are fitted with these excluders and, if there is any problem, please contact us. We will immediately replace with the Natural plastic excluder. Please also tell your fellow beekeepers, particularly beginners in your local area.

They're sending me two new ones today.
Th**nes have been emailing customers re their orange plastic QE, a batch have been released that will not allow workers though into the supers. I have been in touch and they said they will replace FOC, ASAP! Good PR!

Hmmm. Didn't email me, despite ordering online. Still, I spoke to them today and will send two new ones out.

Was funny, as I wondered why the bees weren't going into the super, but having watched for a few minutes, they were desperately trying to and couldn't. Those skinnier bees (or who found the bigger holes) couldn't get back down again and so wandered round like the proverbials at a wedding.

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