Sorry, just strongly disagree with nicking all the honey and giving bees sugar water instead...any brand. It is nowhere near the same thing.
I don't think anyone said nicking
ALL the honey.
Nobody does this as towards the end of the season, the cluster will start to shrink and the bees should start to backfill with honey. However, depending on the availability of forage or the weather, they may not be able to get as much as they would like.
This year, they are piling it in and they are brooding as if it were May. I am having to add more space or replacing full brood frames to prevent swarming.
in addition, depending on the year gone by, they may not have collected enough for a sizeable colony to last through winter regardless. (2012 is a good example)
Sugar syrup is a safety net. Also, if thymol is added, not only does it protect against Nosema, but if a cold snap occurs, it is less likely to ferment in the comb than nectar.
Currently, only my smallest colony's are being fed. (I do not usually start feeding most until October)
It is important for newer beekeepers that they should feed 'if they need it', and not 'not feed' because they do not agree with it.
The reason I do not feed until mid-October is there is likely to be little forage available by then, brooding should be well into decline, so if there is a available space, they will fill it with stores. If they don't take it, they don't want it. I should add, this works for me in my area. It may not work in other cooler areas of the country.
If it is too cold for them to take syrup, fondant is the backup plan. I have not yet needed it in the last 5 years.
Is the sugar at Aldi branded? Some sugar contains anti-caking agents which are to be avoided.