Strong nuc low on stores

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Jun 14, 2023
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Surrey, England
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I have a colony born of an Autumn queen. She mated well and went great guns in the autumn, laying like a trooper.
The colony built up good stores in their single brood chamber 2-in-1 BS Honey bees nuc.

Hefted the box today and it weighed no more than the poly hive, the frames and the bees. The stores must be gone.
They've been active outside until the cold snap started, last week.
They've had fondant since late autumn; took down 1.5 kg before Xmas, and are part way through another 1.5kg.
Likely due to the cold, the fondant isn't disappearing at the rate it was before Xmas.

I'm worried. It's a well-populated nuc and the fondant feeding hole in the BS Honey bees feeder isn't that big.

Is it now a case of praying to Aristaeus, or does anyone have any tips?
Can you get the fondant closer to the cluster almost tutching them would be better it might be the cold stoping them reaching it insulating feeders helps also around the fondant
Thanks. There's only an 8mm gap above the frames. So, have just ordered a BS Honey bees eke, which will give me the clearance I need.
Until then, I will roll out some fondant really thin and see if I can get that in there.

Thanks again.
the hefting of poly nucs is always a trial, I'.ve taken nucs through winter most years, and they've always felt light from Christmas onsards, never emergency fed them and most years, on the first inspection I've had to remove frames of stores to give the queen room to lay.
the fondant feeding hole in the BS Honey bees feeder isn't that big
Quite big enough for the bees to get the job done. Before you put the block over the hole, stuff a wodge of it down the hole. If the nuc is well-populated they will have no difficulty getting to it (as they did between Autumn and Xmas).
ordered a BS Honey bees eke, which will give me the clearance I need
I really don't think this is necessary, and it may tempt them to make comb up there if the temps. stay warm. If winter returns (very likely) then the space will take heat from the nest.
I really don't think this is necessary, and it may tempt them to make comb up there if the temps. stay warm. If winter returns (very likely) then the space will take heat from the nest.
I’ve had it happen with a deap maisemore poly nuc on occasion drone brood