Strong honey flavour.......

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Feb 24, 2011
Reaction score
near King's Lynn
Hive Type
Number of Hives
50+. Double Std National & 14x12
I have been lucky enough to have a couple of harvests this year, spring and summer blossoms.
Having worked through all my spring harvest honey and now starting to bottle my summer honey a bucket at a time as it sells through.
The colour and flavour variation is quite remarkable between sites and seasons. This is something I didnt encounter in my first year, last year and although I had seen a vast range of colours at a honey show I wasnt quite prepared for the range of flavours.
My spring honey has been pale straw in colour and sweet and floral.
My summer honey so far has come in 3 shades and 3 distinct tastes and its the last of these that my question is about, having said that, here are the other 2 first.
1st summer honey........ clear bright yellow with a reddish tinge. Lovely taste with a citrus after taste.
2nd summer honey....... clear dark golden brown, nice flavour, stronger than spring. Was hard set in the bucket, couldnt get a finger in it.
3rd summer honey........ clear, not as dark as above but golden brown, strong flavour with caramel, treacle after taste. Was set in the bucket but more granulated and not so hard to a finger poke.
All 3 honeys prepared the same way.
Extracted and coarse filtered in to brim filled buckets.
Stored in my garage untill required.
Placed in an ex laboratory incubator cabinet for 24 36 hours at 45 degrees C (Verified by digital display and hand held lab thermometer).
Filtered through coarse, fine and muslin into settling tank.
Bottled 12 - 24hrs later.
Can anyone offer me an explanation as too what the 3rd honey may be in terms of what forage they may of been on. No heather near me.
Just a bit concerened that my customers may not like it compared to the previous batches or its actually burnt in some way ?
Its not cappings as I have these separate. I also have been given a jar of IVY honey and its quite different to that.
Many thanks and if you need more info or photos to help with your answer please say
Pete D
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strong flavour with caramel
Caramelization is usually from heating sugars, not what you'd expect in a hive or any raw plant origin. There were reports of French bees picking up colours from an M&M plant, any chance they have been open feeding on fudge or toffee?
Caramelization is usually from heating sugars, not what you'd expect in a hive or any raw plant origin. There were reports of French bees picking up colours from an M&M plant, any chance they have been open feeding on fudge or toffee?

Hi Alan,
no I dont see how as I live quite rural, nearest factory about 4 miles as the bee flies and they pack salads
Caramel (not burnt) says tree honey to me, hawthorn or chestnut maybe.
agree, mine is toffee like, beautiful flavour, HB honey, as i saw the bees returning home after visiting it.
Caramel (not burnt) says tree honey to me, hawthorn or chestnut maybe.

I had a super from early summer that was mid colour and a lovely caramel / chocolate flavour and was told perhaps chestnut.

The timing of the super filled and the chestnut in flower works, only wish I kept some for the National honey Show.
thanks for all replies. Chestnut trees and hedgerows I do have.
I will label a few jars and test it on a few of my regular customers to see if they approve, hope so as I have about 200lb still in buckets !
Pete D
Pure Chestnut honey is very dark, mine this year tastes like Chestnut honey but is not as dark as in previous years ,so think it is mixed with clover honey as both were in flower at same time.
Sweet chestnut is a good source for bees and gives a dark brown honey that sets a bit like fudge! It can be strong leaving a slight burning sensation in the throat, it is a good mixed honey giving strong flavours but as pure sweet chestnut can be an acquired taste. It is loved by those who love honey for their flavours but not by people who are tasting honey for the first time!!!
caramel flavor living in country have you any farms near bye could it be silage liquor molasses or similar just a thought can you not save and mix with lighter and milder flavor