Stores in the Brood Box

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New Bee
Apr 19, 2012
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Apologies if this is either a stupid question or there are numerour other threads on the subject....

4 of the outer frames in the brood box are full of stores at the moment - I have just put the first super on and they're working well on that but how do I encourage them to replace the stores with brood?

Am tempted just to replace them with new frames and let them try again but not sure of the wider consequences.

My suggestions:
Replace one or two frames leaving them with stores. (what I would do/have

Scrape the stores in the brood frames and they may transfer it up.
You really need to make sure your queen has room to lay!
Thanks - do you mean replace a couple with clean frames? Also when you say "scrape" do you mean clean the stores off or just hte capping?
You will see it referred to on this site as bruising the stores. Run the flat bit of your hive tool over the cappings so that they look porous, the bees will usually take the stores and move them, the only place to move them in this case would be upwards. Not guaranteed but likely!
If its stores of syrup or fondant remove frames and replace with comb or foundation but leave 2 frames of stores (in total) for the bees, the removed frames can be used to feed back later if needed.
You will see it referred to on this site as bruising the stores. Run the flat bit of your hive tool over the cappings so that they look porous, the bees will usually take the stores and move them, the only place to move them in this case would be upwards. Not guaranteed but likely!

Uncapping fork more efficient than hive tool.
Thanks for the advice all.

After I switched out a couple of the frames full of stores and bruised the others they have successfully filled the rest of the frames with mostly brood, to the extent that they are now starting to build out additional comb on the bottom of the frames for brood.

I am guessing that is the signal to add a super to accomodate the additional brood, so have stuck one on plus another above a QE more in hope than expectation of any stores in there at this stage.

Will report back with progress.

I followed Finman's advice and decapped the frames then soaked in warm water for a few hours, The stores then dissolved out then i returned to the hive. I didnt extract it as it was winter feed. Noot sure what yours is.

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