New Bee
First time so be gentle....
I have 2 hives on my allotment.
I got Hive A through my local association, Hive B was donated from another plot holder who was retiring.
Hive A had great queen who decided to swarm last week. I caught the swarm and managed to rehouse in an old brood box but they did a runner 3 days later. I now have 3 frames with at least 2 sealed queen cells, one has 4. The swarm departed 9 days ago.
I'm in the process of a Bailey comb change on Hive B, so have 5 frames under the queen excluder. 2-3 are brood and the other 2 are stores.
I'm wondering if I can somehow make 3 nucs, or 2 nucs and Hive A, using the 15/16 frames that are currently split between the hives. Hive A was so much more livelier then Hive B so it would be nice to make the most of the opportunity.
I have 2 hives on my allotment.
I got Hive A through my local association, Hive B was donated from another plot holder who was retiring.
Hive A had great queen who decided to swarm last week. I caught the swarm and managed to rehouse in an old brood box but they did a runner 3 days later. I now have 3 frames with at least 2 sealed queen cells, one has 4. The swarm departed 9 days ago.
I'm in the process of a Bailey comb change on Hive B, so have 5 frames under the queen excluder. 2-3 are brood and the other 2 are stores.
I'm wondering if I can somehow make 3 nucs, or 2 nucs and Hive A, using the 15/16 frames that are currently split between the hives. Hive A was so much more livelier then Hive B so it would be nice to make the most of the opportunity.