Some of the classic issues are now emerging as the novices come face to face with the reality of how difficult it actually is to extract.
Hot wire? There is a commercial machine that works/worked on a heated blade system so not really a new idea.
I never tried the hot air for a very simple reason, I wanted to trim the combs well back in the extraction process, (talking Manleys here) so as to give the wax builders work the next season.
As a consequence about a third of my honey went into the cappings bucket.
How did I deal with that? A modified spin dryer. A bog standard one that had the safety catch removed so that it could spin with the lid open.
The drum was lined with coarse mesh, and the bag inside was made of 400 micron mesh from memory. The resulting honey was perfectly clean and the wax near dry.
As a system this was used by small producers to extract heather honey, the combs were cut out, mashed up and spun.
Care obviously must be taken as honey sun out of the drum at 1800 revs can coat an incredible area in a second or three.