Queen Bee
Is there any reason why you can't simply remove the empty fondant container, along with the comb, when giving them more fondant? (edit - Sorry, ignore this. I misread the original post)
I think it's useful to see these calculations written down.Yes, I think MM (post 3) got a bit over enthusiastic!
swarm preparations....drone take 24 days from egg to drone and 21 days to maturity for mating, so that's is 45 mating Day
some assuming those dates, they expect to mate a local queen before 12th may
so queen five days in the hive maturing, 8 days capped, your bees should be capping Qeen cells on the on or around the 29th April.(SWARM)...well thats the theory but i bet they swarm sooner as they have not got email in the hive....and the dates never work for me...too many variables and this year...ahhhh
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