Should I be worried?

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Mrs Soup

New Bee
Mar 19, 2010
Reaction score
s wales valleys
Hive Type
Much to our relief, our single colony went through the winter in good shape, and is rapidly growing in numbers and filling the super with stores.

Checking the hive this afternoon in the balmy sunshine I came across this.....

Should I be thinking about getting out the nuc box?
That looks like nothingness to me - probably the remains of a queen cell from last year or even older.
That looks like nothingness to me - probably the remains of a queen cell from last year or even older.
Thanks for the reassurance.

One thing though - this was purchased as a 5 frame nuc last year, the cells are on one of the frames which came with the nuc. Would this make a difference?
Just looks like a "play" cup, nothing to worry about. But, is it at the top or bottom or the frame?

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