Securing a hive

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Met a trader at the Royal Welsh winter fair sells all kinds and sizes of ratchet straps at a reasonable price - for the kind of straps that the usual traders sell to beeks, £1.99 each for 1.5 m £2.39 for 4.5 m and £3.12 for 10m - he has a website - it's called the ratchet shop

Sorted and ordered thanks JBM

Good idea Derek will try your method
Some of my apiarys are in the firing line od SW winds, parricularly in winter when the hedgerows have lost their leaves.

I drill a single hole in an 18x18 paving slab (freecycle provides a good supply!). I put a hiik through the middle. When out of hooks, i use an old bilt and tough nylon rope to create a loop a couple of inches from the paving slab (important it is not too long)

I buy rachet straps from screwfix in their sales.

The rachet strap goes through the loop/hook and then around the hive.

The proof that this works was thanks to the neighbours cows that escaped (twice!) last :owned:winter. They use hives as rubbing posts. The idea is the strap and the stand creates a pivot. The harder it is pushed the tighter it gets.

Straps underneath paving slabs are strong, but not AS strong. Also the strap is less likely to rot.
Paving slabs also helps prevent growth from invading the hive from below. Also, it is a good firm base for the stand keeping it out of the mud.

I have tried posts... Not tidy, not flexible and always in the way.

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