saffron buns

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Sounds like a plan. I will try an infusion.

I'm no good at the sciency bit of cooking, so is it the yolk that does the binding, then?
Both white and yolk. The yolk, being fatty will add moisture too.
I often use three yolks to one white in cake recipes.
I freeze the extra whites then bring them out for
Soufflés, most recipes use whole eggs, I just use an extra white or two and I usually throw in extra into an omlet or scrambled eggs.

Now where's that ice cream maker :)
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That basket of goodies looked wonder they disappeared quickly.
Tell me about your memories of the saffron buns. The texture....the sweetness....etc. it might jog my memory for a recipe.
You never know....
I freeze the extra whites then bring them out for Soufflés, most recipes use whole eggs, I just use an extra white or two and I usually throw in extra into an omlet or scrambled eggs.
How many years on this planet (or at least, my own little planet), and I didn't know you could freeze egg whites. Thanks for another tip, ericA, :thanks:

That basket of goodies looked wonder they disappeared quickly.
Tell me about your memories of the saffron buns. The texture....the sweetness....etc. it might jog my memory for a recipe.
You never know....

Why thank you , Tremyfro - they all went down very well, so perhaps I should just forget nostalgia 'cos, as you know, it ain't what it used to be. :nono:

They all tasted good, but the bun I recall was very yellow, (prob a combination of saffron and free range eggs;)), not particularly sweet but def not savoury and I just don't know now whether they were bready or cakey. Not especially cakey, so I think I am, to my surprise, veering towards bready. The only conclusion I have reached is that having made them plain, I am now sure they had a scattering of fruit.... Ta da!

:iagree: they look amazing, I wish I lived closer!

Why thank you to you too!:cheers2: They were all an improvement on the first batches which were rather dense and/or tasteless....I think I am getting a better ideas of quantities of saffron - some of the amounts are just wild!
Hmm - making the most of not a lot to do:
too cold to fiddle around in the hives so apart from the odd fondant topup (bees stepping up the brooding now and clearing fondant like billy-o) and pottering around getting kit ready - before the season gets going and running around like a bluearsed fly tending 25 plus colonies! :willy_nilly::willy_nilly:
oh, and setting up the new vehicle telematics system for the whole of UK immigration enforcement
How many years on this planet (or at least, my own little planet), and I didn't know you could freeze egg whites. Thanks for another tip, ericA, :thanks:

Easiest way is to freeze them in ice cube trays then, when frozen. tip them out and box or bag them up .. ready for use.

I also use ice cube trays for freezing summer herbs like mint and other leaves (basil, sage, etc.) - chop the herbs up and fill the ice cube tray with them, then top the trays up with water. Instant 'fresh' seasoning when you want it in winter and there ain't any !
Hi Pargyle, thanks for that tip re eggs and ice cub trays. Is it easy to divide the whites between the cubes? I have an aversion to touching eggs :ack2: and, with the "stringiness" of the whites, I wonder how you split them up... ?)

Good tip re the herbs, too, (my 80+ year old neighbour introduced me to that one several years back), but she didn't add water - the moisture in the herbs being sufficient, and the resultant cubes crumble nicely, so can be "scattered".
Hi Pargyle, thanks for that tip re eggs and ice cub trays. Is it easy to divide the whites between the cubes? I have an aversion to touching eggs :ack2: and, with the "stringiness" of the whites, I wonder how you split them up... ?)

Good tip re the herbs, too, (my 80+ year old neighbour introduced me to that one several years back), but she didn't add water - the moisture in the herbs being sufficient, and the resultant cubes crumble nicely, so can be "scattered".

I find that with the bigger size ice cube trays (needs a trip round the various stores - I found the ones I use in the local pound shop and they are very flexible so the frozen whites come out easily) took the white from one of my home grown eggs but on the occasions when I had more than one white I just used a small jug and a knife on the lip - stop it off with the knife well before you think the 'cube' is full and the 'strings' fill the cube up.

I used to freeze herbs dry but I found that the freezer actually dessicates the leaves and it seemed to lose the flavour so I started adding water and they come out looking fresher and IMO with a bit more flavour.
It sounds very much like a Tea Bread but with saffron.....let me think....may have a recipe for that.....scampering of to see.....
I find that with the bigger size ice cube trays (needs a trip round the various stores - I found the ones I use in the local pound shop and they are very flexible so the frozen whites come out easily) took the white from one of my home grown eggs but on the occasions when I had more than one white I just used a small jug and a knife on the lip - stop it off with the knife well before you think the 'cube' is full and the 'strings' fill the cube up.

I used to freeze herbs dry but I found that the freezer actually dessicates the leaves and it seemed to lose the flavour so I started adding water and they come out looking fresher and IMO with a bit more flavour.

I have never seen large ice cube trays - but it's not something I've ever looked for either. (I try not to do shopping, unless it's bee or plant related...) If I should see one on my rare foraging trips, I will snap it up! Thanks for the pointer, and the tip to use a knife. (Honestly can't say I haven't noticed any difference in flavour with the herbs, but I did forget to say that I wash them first, so they do have some added water.....)

It sounds very much like a Tea Bread but with saffron.....let me think....may have a recipe for that.....scampering of to see.....

Thank you very much - love the idea of you scampering away!! Wish I could still do it!
I have never seen large ice cube trays

Very handy for LAAAARGE G&T's

My grandmother always froze loads of parsley every autumn (essential ingredient for weekly cawl making) she'd just cut bunches, bag and put in the freezer when she needed some she'd remove rrewured quantity give it a couple of bashes still frozen so she didn't even need to chop it. Sage advice for a woman born before the outbreako f the Great War and didn't own a freezer until she was sixty! she also made her own caster sugar using an electric coffee grinder that had come as a freebie with her Kenwood - well, what else would you do with it?!

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