New Design/concept of a roof.
First consider the requirements.
Weather protection, woodpecker protection, extra space for insulation, standing supers on the upturned item in the season, 'repairability', longevity in service, weight, ease of use, etc.
Consider storage if used only in the winter
Consider the pros and cons cf the present roof type offered.
Some good ideas are coming through but not yet 'really joined-up thinking' of the overall requirements, I feel.
I am quite happy with my last batch of home-made roofs.
Similar to the historical design but far lighter than most commercial offerings, deep enough for at least 50mm EPS, strong enough (my next set would have had a slightly more robust internal roof sheet, adding a considerable percentage to the weight) for standing several supers on it in season.
'Pecker protection is still a separate issue, in my book. Maintains the KISS princple, as many applications will be slightly different (amount of insulation, risk of 'pecker damage) and built in mouse guards require a too specific location on the hive and roof. A design needs developing carefully taking into account all the pros and cons.
I consider this thread a brainstorming platform and little else, thus far. So keep the ideas rolling in. Most will be flawed with respect to some aspect or another but there may be some ideas that can be developed further.