Entrance block: Gap at the top or bottom?
I thank you.
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Thanks. I have something in my head that I read about having the space uppermost so if dead bees block the gap they can climb over?
Is this just bullshine?
some beeks believe that it's better to have the gap uppermost during the winter - Clive De Bruyn is one - my take is that with the gap uppermost the bees can't just chuck out the dead when it's too cold to carry them away so you get more corpses building up thus more chance of things getting clogged up.
^^^^ And now you know what to say when the 'entrance at the top of the block' beeks tell you you're wrong!some beeks believe that it's better to have the gap uppermost during the winter - Clive De Bruyn is one - my take is that with the gap uppermost the bees can't just chuck out the dead when it's too cold to carry them away so you get more corpses building up thus more chance of things getting clogged up.
JBM, Do you use an entrance block with your "under floor entrances"?
No need - leave them the full entrance all winter, they can just drop all the corpses out through the hole onto the entrance porch and clear them away when it gets warmer (they do pile up sometimes )
All the association apiary hives have standard floors though, which I and Redwood manage.
Thanks for that. For the sake of completeness, for anybody thinking about using an Under-Floor-Entrance, can you confirm that you don't need mouse guards and wasps tend not to be a problem with UFEs?
Thanks again
Thanks for that. For the sake of completeness, for anybody thinking about using an Under-Floor-Entrance, can you confirm that you don't need mouse guards and wasps tend not to be a problem with UFEs?
Thanks again
Benefits wise, bees not so affected by a crosswind when landing, the 4" depth also means less wind effect on the OMF - I find the entrances are a doddle to close up for moving as well - just acquire an old foam sofa cussion or similar and cut into 4" square blocks - just stuff into the entrance and job done in seconds without having to fidle around with a hive tool trying to push a bit of foam into a 10mm entrance.
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