Queen introduction advice.

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New Bee
Aug 17, 2019
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I have a Q- hive that I've left 1 small QC in to emerge. It's not the best looking but was the best there was. I also have a 6 frame nuc with a queen laying really well over 3 frames. There is room in the hive for the 3 frames thus freeing up my nuc for future use.
So what is the best way to unite the 2?
I was thinking queen in a cage in the hive for 24hrs then breaking the tab off. Leave for another 24hrs then check she's been accepted then add the brood and bees from the nuc with a bit of smoke. Obviously remove the QC after she's emerged from the cage.
Does that sound about right or am I way off the mark? Thanks in advance
paper unite. get rid of the QC, couple of sheets of quality broadsheet newspaper on top, put QX over and pop a few holes in the paper. Put nuc into a brood box and put that over the paper and let them get on with it.