When did bee keeping become a rush job for a hobbyist with a handful of hives to warrant needing a blower.?
Using a blower seems to me to go against every thing I was taught about bee keeping and respecting your bees, being gentle, calm and patient so not to cause stress to the colony. Even if it was proved no bees were physically harmed which I find a little difficult to believe surely the bees are left feeling extremely stressed, dazed and confused which is likely to cause them to exit the hive and possibly become aggressive, all because the beek can't wait a few hours and fit a bee escape before removing the supers.
I have colonies that work dam hard who don't like even the roof being removed in my rural apiary miles away from the public, I would hate to think what they would do if they were in my back garden and I blasted them but at a guess they would take out their anger on the nearest person or animal.