Pleased with myself

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Field Bee
Jan 11, 2018
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All below was completed without a smoker as it went out before I got to my hives
Success 1
So the new bought queen went into a nuc last Thursday as could not find the old queen in the aggressive hive (Have a plan to find her from other threads I asked on) cap left on until Sunday afternoon and forgot to poke hole in candy. Checked this evening and she has been released and is laying. Nurse bees were from hive to be requested and all very calm and no followers from them.
Success 2
Moved the caught swarm to a full size national as filled the 6 frame nuc and made up with foundation frames. Bees very calm and although when transferring them there were many in the air no aggression or followers when done.

So very happy. Couple of questions tho... swarm has made really good frames with honey and nectar round top of them all and bias in the middles, Do I need to feed?
The new queen in nuc, how long should I leave her laying in nuc before combining? Can i combine her using the air freshener way with the 5 frames, if so do you put the and her frames on the top in a full size box?
Last one.... the hive to be requeened has drawn out some of the frames that I added in place of the ones I made the nuc up with, can I use the nuc frames when combined in the swarm hive to build it up quicker?

Thanks in advance Simon
1 I would not feed
2 you can use air freshener or paper whichever you feel happier with. Newspaper needs two boxes, air freshener doesn't. I would let queen get a god hold before combining.
3 yes
1.No food
2.I prefer to unite when the new queen has her own brood emerged
Air freshener I have no experience of....always used newspaper.
Usually, the position of queen right box doesn't matter but where that box is smaller in bee numbers than the other I like to put the queen on top where I feel she is better protected.
The hive to be requeened is double national brood, will this change anything on combining?
No, I would sort frames when they are settled to get it back to double brood again if you use newspapers.
Sorry enrico I'm being thick here...

So I have the 2 brood boxes then newspaper then full size box with the 5 frames in. When combined take it back to 2 boxes with the frames I want in them?

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