Easy to work with and to handle once waxed. Easy to clean. Hardly ever break.
Very easy to see eggs. Good for grafting.
Bees do prefer to work with wood and wax and will draw that out first over the plastic but if you give them no choice they will get on with it.
Some of our frames are slightly warped but this was down to how we waxed them when we first started, so they can draw out some brace comb instead of of the frame. We just keep knocking it down and they get the message.
I respect people’s decisions and do what works for them but somehow that makes me a bit sad.
personally I would use plastic but not for the reasons given above, to me there is no difference in using plastic frames to using poly hives. I have a real issue that the they are all cheap at the moment while oil is cheap, what happens when its not how we going to produce the stuff then.
At least wood is renewable.
personally I would NOT use plastic but not for the reasons given above, to me there is no difference in using plastic frames to using poly hives. I have a real issue that the they are all cheap at the moment while oil is cheap, what happens when its not how we going to produce the stuff then.
At least wood is renewable.
most of my hives have little holes in the foundations that the bees have chewed to make short cuts and ventilation, sometimes they fill them back in so how is this possible with plastic foundations? I suppose the use in supers would be OK but plastic fantastic does not float my boat.