Paynes Poly Nucleus - Converted to 8 frame

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Oct 16, 2012
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Fareham, Hampshire UK
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As I said I would .. here are the photos of the modified Paynes Poly Nucleus. Integral feeder cut out and the pieces used to patch/fill the slots left behind. Eke added to give it 14 x 12 and sealed permanently on the top of the standard Nuc. Car body filler fills the gaps and I used Siroflex to stick the bits of poly in to start with.

A second eke with a rim to support a clear crown board made from 6mm acrylic and provide top bee space was added with a feeder hole and a cover for it.

Insulation on top of 50mm of Kingspan.

Interior of the hive got a couple of coats of my propolis varnish which leaves a lovely bee smell in the box and the exterior was leftover grey 'Shades'.

Just need a stand for it and a nice day to move my Nuc of bees into it !
Interesting conversion... what is you recipe for propolis varnish / paint?
Only problem experienced for me has been with the side feeder is that bees tend to drown in.
Maises seem to have overcome problem with a Ashforth type feeder.. have you considered this for your 8 framer?

Ideal for overwintering colonies bursting out of a 6 but too small for a 12!

Yeghes da
Interesting conversion... what is you recipe for propolis varnish / paint?
Only problem experienced for me has been with the side feeder is that bees tend to drown in.
Maises seem to have overcome problem with a Ashforth type feeder.. have you considered this for your 8 framer?

Ideal for overwintering colonies bursting out of a 6 but too small for a 12!

Yeghes da

I just chuck all my propolis scrapings (it doesn't need to be pure - I find splinters and bits of wax get in there as well) into a litre jar of methylated spirits - just the usual purple stuff. Shake it every day as I pass it and over a couple of weeks most of the propolis dissolves. The crud sinks to the bottom and I just dip the brush into the clear stuff at the top (well, it's not clear it's a sort of golden brown).

I paint the inside of all my hives with it - the smell is really lovely and I reckon it gives the bees a bit of a start to have their job half done ..

I looked at the six frame Maisies one's but when I worked out the cost for theirs compared to the Paynes with the extra eke (and as I was buying in Paynes sale and adding to an order for another 14 x 12 and some supers - so no delivery charges) it was a bit cheaper to get the Paynes and end up with an 8 frame hive for less than the 6 frame maisies. I also like the fact that I could put a proper clear crownboard in there with a hole for a rapid feeder.

Didn't take too long to do ... worked out at £43.77 (plus some glue and body filler which I had in the garage anyway) which is less than a 14 x 12 plus a super from Paynes sale which worked out at £74.71 - So for £30 less I get a box that will be useful now and in the future as a halfway house or an overwinter home for a small(ish) colony that's too big for a Nuc.

We shall see how the bees like it ..
I call my 6 frame jumbo polys nucs - and that is stretchkng it compared to a National deep! 8 frames is as big, if not bigger than which many consider a full hive. Think here that some poly Nationals contain only 10 frames.

So I would not call it a nuc (only basing that on you moving a nucleus colony into it at this time of the year). The only problem I see is you likely would need supers for this hive, next year.

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I think I will pursue my fat dummies.....Bob the bodger in Old Kelliwick has skiploads of Kingspan / Celotex he is too tight to put into land fill!

Thanks for the meths tip.. will try it out... will it sugar syrup proof the fiddly polly feeders?

Yeghes da
old milk crate filled with bricks and rubble with a dash of mortar upturned fits lovely and add two eye bolts each side for straps or bungees
I call my 6 frame jumbo polys nucs - and that is stretchkng it compared to a National deep! 8 frames is as big, if not bigger than which many consider a full hive. Think here that some poly Nationals contain only 10 frames.

So I would not call it a nuc (only basing that on you moving a nucleus colony into it at this time of the year). The only problem I see is you likely would need supers for this hive, next year.


Yes ... you are quite right - thinking about it, the actual frame surface area must be about the same as a standard national (I haven't bothered actually doing the maths but it can't be far off). It's not worth leaving them in it next year .. as soon as they show signs of building up in spring they'll be going into either a full size 14 x 12 or my Long Hive - I'm sure the 8 frame will get pressed into service once the little beggars start swarming !

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