Paving Stones.

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May 29, 2010
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3 National Hives & 1 Observation Hive.(Indoors) & lots of empty boxes..
Although in a normal snowfall you probably wouldnt get snow under a hive anyway but to me this indicates a good reason for standing hives on slabs heat wise. I think. but at least it meant we can put food out for the birds without having to put wellies on.
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Although in a normal snowfall you probably wouldnt get snow under a hive anyway but to me this indicates a good reason for standing hives on slabs heat wise. I think.

Well ... so why has that happened .. My physics is a bit rusty but I would have thought that the density of concrete would retain cold/heat longer than the surrounding ground ... so presumably, the slabs were warmer when the snow fell than the surrounding ground ? Now ... if there had been a significant frost prior to the snowfall then the converse would have happened ... not so good ?

Any rational explanations ... I'm not putting my idea forward as correct !
Or a handful of salt spread early on? Works wonders if the depth of snow is shallow and the sunlight can be absorbed rather than all reflected.

Just being walked on can be enough to make the difference.
Or a handful of salt spread early on? Works wonders if the depth of snow is shallow and the sunlight can be absorbed rather than all reflected.

Just being walked on can be enough to make the difference.

where we have walked on the front path is still packed down solid, and the little bits of snow you see on the stones is the remains of snow which was walked on.
We did have some sunshine Wednesday but it didnt do much in the way of thawing anything. Snowed here for most of Thursday and more on Friday.
Main roads seem to be clear but we live in a close so no gritting lorry. There is a grit/salt bin but everybody expects everybody else to put some down, and its far easier for them to moan about nobody doing anything than it is for them to do something.

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