Yachties - especially those with BIG boats - have a real problem when their sails get past their sell-by date: it's not cost-effective to re-cut them, and with the exception of some light weather genoas and spinnakers, the sailcloth is too heavy to pull 'em apart and make sails for smaller boats ... so disposal becomes a real problem.
A few years back I advertised for old worn-out or damaged sails, and a bloke gave me a complete suit of sails from his C&N 44 footer - they're bl##dy huge. The best bit was that he was grateful that the sail-cloth was to be re-cycled.
Ok - this stuff is rot-proof and more-or-less waterproof, as it's made from Terylene with a resin coating on either side.
It's fairly UV-stable, but not 100% - but - with a couple of coats of white gloss paint after tacking it in place like a litho plate - I reckon it would last for years. And little or no heat transfer either. And it's usually obtainable for free.
What's not to like ?