New Bee
Hi all,
I have a hive (Hive 1) that in around sept / oct lost its queen. We were able to raise a new queen but we worried it was too late in the season to get mated. I think our fears are true as when we checked on tuesday although the queen is still around there are only what look like drone / queen cells.
We have another hive (Hive 2) that is doing well, queen is laying but probably only 1-2 frames of brood at the moment.
What are my options as presumably hive 1 has only so long before the overwinter bees die as does the queen? Normally i would pull a frame or two of BIAS from my stronger hive and move across but im worried about weakening both hives to try and save it?
Any help is appreciated.
I have a hive (Hive 1) that in around sept / oct lost its queen. We were able to raise a new queen but we worried it was too late in the season to get mated. I think our fears are true as when we checked on tuesday although the queen is still around there are only what look like drone / queen cells.
We have another hive (Hive 2) that is doing well, queen is laying but probably only 1-2 frames of brood at the moment.
What are my options as presumably hive 1 has only so long before the overwinter bees die as does the queen? Normally i would pull a frame or two of BIAS from my stronger hive and move across but im worried about weakening both hives to try and save it?
Any help is appreciated.