Plastic Dadant frames in Supers.
Ok So read all the previous comments. Here in France my full time friend uses wax foundation and comb in the brood nest But all his supers are now plastic. I was thinking OMG, but after having borrowed some of his supers this year i am actually really impressed with them.
The most interesting thing about their numerous advantages is i find that their so light. Combine this with a pine super body and you have a very light super to move around. Imagine the weight difference when working on your own which so many are when moving 400 supers in a week.
They also seem much stronger , but i will get back to you on this and he's only in his second full year of changing over but already when we harvested this year, four of my old wooden supers broke, but none of the plastic did.
Ok, so to get them drawn up you can plastic dip them, but if you do happen to have a really strong spring flow they will build it out themselves. This i saw this spring and they will draw out as long as you introduce them about 5 days after your main hatching starts, i.e. prior to new born bees becoming nurse bees, over here i am told that they draw a lot of comb when they are between 5 days and two weeks old, how true this is, someone can probably correct me?
Cleaning is oh so easy. If you get wax moth or pollen in the frames, you can simply scrape out the wax etc with a standard wallpaper scraper, then pressure wash off the residue with a pressure washer. This dosent have to be hot either!!
So If they last longer, can be easily cleaned, are stronger and lighter and dont need to be waxed or re wires, whats not to like about them.
Oh, one thing i forgot to mention. When you put them on your bees first time you must space them 10 per super. The following flow after one use, the spacing can be changed to 8 per super. that way you get a lot more honey on less frames. again another small labour saving reason, that all helps.