Onions for bees!

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Wouldn't it taint the hive and produce dodgy honey later in the year. Onion is a very invasive smell.
But yes, onion, like garlic, does work effectively as an anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent.
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What a rubbish!

What else is so easy to be spoiled than onion itself. :)

Never heard that onion is medicin. Do doctors order to eat onion when you are sick or put it onto wound !

"Onion is one of nature's best natural immunity enhancers that protects against different kinds of infections. It is also a powerful antibiotic and antiseptic." .........based on what?

Identification of Diseases and Disorders of Onions

- Bacterial Diseases
In onions several bacteria (Pseudomonas and Erwinia spp.) cause a range of symptoms known as slippery skin, sour skin and soft rot.

And another question: If some plant like onion is very "poisonous" agaist bacteria, how it will affect on human or bee body?

The human have breeded wild plants thousands of years to make then non poisonous and palatable to human. Problem is that diseases and insects too like man made plants. Nami.

Human is not a mouse which can eat what ever from nature.


Onion honey, Holland

And this is modern bio dynamic beekeeping? remove all the queens and unite them all together and feed them on onions.
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I know what Heather is trying to say.

At home we are going more and more towards the old natural remedies.

The tcp has gone in the bin to be replaced by organic Tea tree oil,glycerine/honey and lemon is used for the common cold and onions/chillies eaten at the first sign of a sneeze.

I belive that many medical products benefit the company shareholders far more than they do my ailments.

I have a friend who after many many years on anti depresents changed over to ST.Johns wart and has never felt better.
AND I never suggested using them in a hive, if you read back! :toetap05:
Quite the opposite- but there are natural ingredients that can heal. Just dont be closed minded.
who said you suggested that??? WHY don't you try reading back to the link in the first post,before you start hopping around, and making accusations. The thread is asking for thoughts,and this is what i'm doing,NOT answering what you have written in any way,sorry for writing anything as you seem to think everything written is directed at you in some way. And try not to be so narrow minded.
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I was only replying to Jimbeekeepers link of using grated onion as a prophylactic.= and Finmans reply of not hearing of onion etc used in healing.
I am not narrow minded- and I didnt feel it was a personal affront - not till you started. - and where did the 'remove all queens and unite all and feed on onions come from...
I dont do rants - Bye
I was only replying to Jimbeekeepers link of using grated onion as a prophylactic.= and Finmans reply of not hearing of onion etc used in healing. I am not narrow minded-

These are those SALT OF LIFE cases

My mother was mad after "Vogel's nature heals everything. She killed herself almost twice and she was carried to hostipal in choma.

When I mentioned a plants name, she mentioned all illnes what that plant heals.

I have surely heard all what onion heals but I have forgot them actively.

And now we are going to heal bees with onions. - Good by bee inspectors. The last puts lights off!

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Hi Heather

For what it's worth, I don't think your narrow minded; but I do think this thread paints a couple of people in a poor light, unfortunately.
I don't think you're narrow minded either Heather.
but I do think this thread paints a couple of people in a poor light, unfortunately.

So among psychiatrist we are going to call this "onion test". Those who believe on onions, they are vast minded and thos who not, they are narrow minded.

To measure "out of mind" cases, we need harder technic or Admin.