observation hive

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Queen Bee
Apr 24, 2011
Reaction score
Coastal, West Sussex
Hive Type
Number of Hives
a few more than last year but still not enough
I have set up an observation hive for a temp show and wanted to know what the best way would be to put the queen and frames back in the hive they came from. it was set up today and will be put back tomorrow.
move the other frames aside and put them back as a bunch with the Q on a frame in the middle....and then re-arrange a few days later.
Hope you have a frame of 1:1 below as they need water in this weather, and feed, and anyway keeps frames still during movement. Remember frames parallel to side of car in transit (sorry if teaching grandfather to suck the proverbial).
Plenty of liquid for you too, as you will be talking non stop. I do approx. one a week... gets wearying ... but education to Joe P is soooooooooo necessary.
Have a fun day.

and check for emergency queen cells.... why?.. queen still present.
Don't the bees left in the hive make EQCs? Mine do...

Edit: Ah, do you have an obs hive that has a nuc below? Mine is just four frames stacked up and I fill it from one of the hives each time I use it, (not very often), though I have kept it stocked with an old girl in the past. That's why I automatically thought of EQCs. Sorry if I've misled, or confused matters.
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Looking for an Observation Hive

Hi all,
I am looking to purchase an Observation Hive. Can anyone recommend a model/company where I could purchase one from? I think I prefer the ones with a Nuc attached to it on the bottom, always scared that the single ones might fall over and I would guess the Nuc Version ones is easier to handle, since you got multiple Frames with it. The price range seems to go from about 130 - 400 Pound which sounds a bit crazy, so I am really unsure, which one is the right one to go for. Anyone could advise or has seen models of good quality but still a good price?

Thanks !
I bought one from observation hives (co uk) a few years ago and have been very pleased with it. Hope this helps.
I bought one from observation hives (co uk) a few years ago and have been very pleased with it. Hope this helps.

Thanks a lot for your Feedback! I had a look at their Hive earlier and it does look like good quality, well at least on the pictures. Have you got the one with the Super Frame on top or the other one? How is the quality of the wood and the wood work? Is it a good as it looks on the picture? Does it come ready oiled or is the wood untreated? It looks very nice on the picture like it is treated, but I am not sure how it will actually arrive. They also talk about a transport box, is it worth it? I ask all this questions, because the Hive is on the top end of the price range and I won't be able to see it before I would buy it...
It's basically a 5 frame nuc. You can then move one brood frame upstairs for observation and replace it with a feeder frame. The woodwork is neat and nicely varnished outside. I don't keep bees in it full time but instead transfer frames from one of my colonies for events. For the past two years I've kept a small colony with elderly queen for this purpose. If you pm me your email address I'd be happy to send you more info and some pictures.
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Not sure what the transport box is though - maybe what it was delivered in? - but I just transport it as is with all the vents open.
Cornwall honey also do a reasonably priced observation hive, I bought and used one last year, had no problems with it.
Cornwall honey also do a reasonably priced observation hive, I bought and used one last year, had no problems with it.

Thank you very much. I had a look at them as well. Have you got the Nucleus Observation Hive or the National Assembled, Observation Hive, Standard Deep? Unfortunately they only got 1 small Photo on their Website, so it's hard to tell about the quality of the Product. Can you tell more about it? Does it look well done or rather "cheaply" put together like some suppliers do? Is it treated or untreated? Are you happy with the locking of the system and the Ventilation?

What I also miss is that it comes without a Super frame section, which is a bit of a shame. I like the idea to have a Nuc Box with possibly 6 Frames on the Bottom and a Brood and Super Frame on top, that would simply be ideal...
If you want an ob to show off at a show to aid honey sales then having a box below is pretty much a useless set up as more often than not the queen will refuse to go into the light. Remember the three pairs of combs trick for queen finding, well this is it in reverse. More light, less queen unless she is trapped up there.

The one I used to use was a simple frame with glass, then protective perspex, and inside one Nat brood frame and one sup frame. The immediate question you get is "where is the queen" though on one immortal morning a young man about 10 told me "At's nae bees, at's wasps!" or in English, thats not bees thats wasps. Ho hum... A marked queen is very beneficial as the public love to spot her.

I should add I used the ob for a day, made up in the morning and put back in the nuc in the evening and never an issue with the queen being rejected. Further with a little planning one is very easy and cheap to make. ;)

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The Ulster hive has a QX on the raised frame so the queen is trapped there but the rest of the bees have access to the rest of the box.

Abelo have a range of reasonably priced observation hives - well worth a look
Thanks for your feedback. as far as I understand, the Observation Nucs got a Queen Excluder in between, so you move the Queen up and she won't be able to get back down, besides she is super slim. Our Queens are all marked, so I suppose some will like it others might prefer to find the queen, but never mind, they are marked and I would always use a marked one anyway, since it will make our job easier as well, when we have to find the frame with the queen to move her up...

I have seen the other versions you describe, but I can see huge advantages on the Nuc Versions, a) they can stay slightly longer in the Box, since you could use it as a normal Nuc for example from one weekend to another, b) you can easily move all the frames from f.e a Poly Nuc Box to the Observation and back, so you don't have to leave frames behind and after that re-unite them again with the show bees....
If you want an ob to show off at a show to aid honey sales then having a box below is pretty much a useless set up as more often than not the queen will refuse to go into the light. Remember the three pairs of combs trick for queen finding, well this is it in reverse. More light, less queen unless she is trapped up there.

The one I used to use was a simple frame with glass, then protective perspex, and inside one Nat brood frame and one sup frame. The immediate question you get is "where is the queen" though on one immortal morning a young man about 10 told me "At's nae bees, at's wasps!" or in English, thats not bees thats wasps. Ho hum... A marked queen is very beneficial as the public love to spot her.


yep, you often get "why have you bought F$%&ing Wasps to out fete, you need your head bashed in" or similar threats

my ulster observation hive is the type with a Nuc box below, glass above with a Queen excluder above the nuc but below the glass, so the queen is visible as the queen can be put in the upper glass area for the show above the QEx

i prepare a queen right nuc prior to the show and on the day before bring up the queen on a brood frame, replace that frame in the nuc with a frame feeder full of water with a touch of syrup

i then block them in that night, moving them next day to the fete and take them back that night to their apairy to open up, i sort out the frames/feeder next day

i dont like splitting a full hive as you need to keep checking for QC as the 24/36hrs without a queen can flipped the colony into swarm mode
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I must be blind, I can not find any Observation Hives on their website. Can you tell me where this is hidden?

I don't know - I'll check; I saw three or four different ones on display with them at the convention, maybe they haven't put them on there yet?

Add: can't see them either unless they're on the main catalogue, otherwise it's worth contacting them to find out.
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I think they are not on yet.... will see what they come back with.

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