Finman is right. OP (and others, seemingly) need to understand the meaning of 'nucleus colony'. Then they would not need to ask questions about 'nucleus hives' as it would (or should) be simple to understand how they fit into the beekeeping craft.
A nucleus hive is for homing a nucleus colony. Nothing more and nothing less. They are not big enough for full sized colonies, although a 6 frame Jumbo Langstroth is not far off the size of a National deep box. People who advocate putting out single nuc boxes as bait hives are too inexperienced to call themselves proper beekeepers. As Finman tates, they are playing, not thinking before acting.
My bait hives, of 6 frames 14 x 12 plus a shallow box, might be regarded by these inexperienced posters as a 'nuc bait hive', but the obvious difference is the size of the cavity - it being bigger than a National deep.
Edited to add that it would clearly be less sh****y, less boring and more informative without the above inexperienced poster here. A good bye bye to him.