But I do doubt very much that you would ever be able to produce the crops you used to, in the UK, even with your system.
Professional beekeepers are highly mobile here. .
i am mobile here too and second thing is that here are no other beekeepers. I can select oastures without other bees.
It is very clear , that I cannot get good yields in UK, because good yields come from pastures. Not from systems or from hives. If pastures are over grazed, no one get yield from there.
It is really ridiculous to draw Cyprus to this debating, that I cannot compare. Of course I an compare, because I am not idiot. Only idiots cannot compare things.
I have visited 6 times in England, and I did not see any so difficult what I do not understand.
I have learned high quality beekeeping from USA, Canada and from Australia, NZ and even from Egypt. I can select what information I adapt into beejeeping.
If my hves bring honey in one week 50 kg, and in UK thise figures are best yields, it tells that oastures are poor.
When I started beekeeping in practice 49 years ago, I bought swarms. I joined them to 4 kg swarms, which occupyed 2 langstroth boxes. Then 4 weeks later I added a third box.
All those swarms brought 40 kg honey and they drew 3 boxes foundations. Best brought 60 kg.
It was year 1966 when I made 18 hives and filled them with swarms what I bought from other beekeepers.
It just tell how good pastures I have here. With two bix hive 40 kg honey.
But in my home yard bees got nothing in July. So I moved my hives 15 km from home. It is same in my cottage yard. If I move 17 km my hives, I may get 100 kg/hive or if I move to wrong okace, I get nothig
It is not difficult to learn.