no varroa?

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Field Bee
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Hive Type
Number of Hives
6 >12 - 14x12 + Nucs
i have two hives at the moment as its my first year.
1= 14x12 stuffed full of bees and 1/4 full super.
2= standard brood box which was a recent Nuc purchase but has suddenly exploded with bees covering all frames.

i have a few questions to help me on my way......:driving:

i have put my varroa tray under the floor three times now both for 48 hrs each time, once with no treatment, then twice with hive clean. all three times on both hives i did not see a single mite! will the mite's crawl off the inspection board? should i Vaseline the surface first? or do i just have beginners luck with the varoa!

secondly the standard Brood hive on the last time i did the mite count there was the usual wax and a bit of pollen on the tray but also 3 black, long, thin wormy poo thing? is this bad news?

last question! the smaller brood box again has suddenly expanded should i risk putting a empty super on it to give them something to do so giving them brood 1/2 going into winter or should i just leave them be and let them cram the standard brood full.

thank everyone hope i have explained things ok........ bee-smilliebee-smillie
If you think you have no Varroa you are almost certain to be mistaken. Even with a low count, why take a chance by not treating anyway?
i have two hives at the moment as its my first year.
1= 14x12 stuffed full of bees and 1/4 full super.
2= standard brood box which was a recent Nuc purchase but has suddenly exploded with bees covering all frames.

i have a few questions to help me on my way......:driving:

i have put my varroa tray under the floor three times now both for 48 hrs each time, once with no treatment, then twice with hive clean. all three times on both hives i did not see a single mite! will the mite's crawl off the inspection board? should i Vaseline the surface first? or do i just have beginners luck with the varoa!
secondly the standard Brood hive on the last time i did the mite count there was the usual wax and a bit of pollen on the tray but also 3 black, long, thin wormy poo thing? is this bad news?

last question! the smaller brood box again has suddenly expanded should i risk putting a empty super on it to give them something to do so giving them brood 1/2 going into winter or should i just leave them be and let them cram the standard brood full.

thank everyone hope i have explained things ok........ bee-smilliebee-smillie

Hi, mites will/do crawl off or faster so a sticky mat or something similar should be used. Guess vaseline would work, also heard suggestions of vegetable oil, the cheap nasty stuff goes really sticky n horrible.
If your tray has deepish enclosed sides with NO gaps however small then it is harder for them to escape but escape they probably will. Ants also carry dead ones away.

Hope this helps. Di:.)
I spoke at length last autumn with my bee inspector about whether to treat for varroa when there was no obvious sign. His view was why interfere and treat when you didn't have to and why bother monitoring if you are going to treat by default? All the usual over winter treatments have an impact so if you don't have a problem why try to fix it.

Monitor the situation, be capable and ready to act if needed.

All the best,
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I agree with Rose Cottage why treat if you don't have to. This is how to make them resistant to treatments
Ah no ants on tray when i pulled it out but i did see ants on top of the crown board....... will try another test over the weekend with something sticky as an extra precaution.

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